The Leesville Daily Leader from Leesville, Louisiana (2024)

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ville Daily Leader Tuesday April 21 2009 SP1C torNUorrw' (to lESPX firs (S) fere sre jsaiwi im jsrewaa teaptsw pwrocwro I I I 1 1 fcLL MT a UwsKn Snnq to Armftwtfite totes PfrirCTftAM Try OwowSAncPiw Crew Sryt way PiCKM tMAteMaCaw i WASHINGTON (AP) The Pentagon will replace its top general in Afghanistan as President Barack Obama tries to turn around a stalemated war defense officials said The exit of Gen David McKiernan comes as more than 21000 additional US forces begin to arrive in Afghanistan dispatched by Obama to confront the Taliban more forcefully this spring and summer McKiernan on the job about a year has asked repeat edly for additional forces He has argued that his forces while technically far superior cannot hold ground against the Taliban in the volatile East and South revamped strategy for Afghanistan does markedly increase the number of US forces in the coun try but focuses on nonmilitary solutionaaa abetter long term approach Military officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said McKiernan will be replaced by Lt Gen Stanley McChrystal The officials spoke on condition of anonymi ty ahead of the announcement Defense Secretary Robert Gates was likely to announce the new leadership in Afghanistan later Monday an official said Obama has approved a new strategy for Afghanistan and Gates wants new leadership to carry it out the defense official said McKiernan was named to his post by former President George Bush Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm Mike Mullen scheduled a Monday afternoon news confer OBC jPMProffwi fornKY hHsndjf nm mi ESP piwucsw SrtGAU The taut (CO hoMtMOnei iPtoProyira jpfcaSt finsi Scont Score ifaetoi haProyr Pteyyr CWV PUT Maw jywg Robtwfi ta Proyini jPJCK Roof tm bwwsitt bmucp tsp) i uu A Ore Cnmra tert A frir Care terr jto A Cnreaf lew Ll QttrCrwWar LmI 3w Crew Store to A tawCwweteMi 4TAR2 MOW I urxtareCrrC it MCTMM toys is tap MM T) Aatoa ft CT) MM htt tooiwte (TXTtore fattow trmtewj eplace top general in Afghanistan CM' Prey firn ft) WyviSwaMPrati jre rite frenum jcwcwCT hct towr ct Uirtw lAwtta kttaifr LUma LTsyw vv' re TWW WWW MV wW fwm txx Ma Mkt pool ws) (eq (tsp) Movt uHfat twsastowrt amm ct Wft wtoiaxyi mwatowirCTr SpwCw setrotowitol fSAftatwg) 1 1 fW'www PtoUfton tosYUaWi'Otttte IKYE UathTOrut TfrUicq telUstotorew MCMt frwtiw HreHyw Pg ICC hM at Sod XC BtswiCC a si res i Sft Ct) amhCT WMTIWfteProyM fysPnyw ftefroya WK tore "xtowtov towatey i I ww rew 'ww WMMK taTLW jHSSfaW Klkay A Ore Samy Saw fcwhCtegar faUBi fcfrfr 8ms AwiMAtota pixxiqAa om red cos(cq fitufcc) ftapi 4afCC) iicq Mteres bworarewmicg" IWR hSPrtyim ftSPnyrei QmMyifCO brtfrft(CC) OtWyifK hnfryi'l' CrACp Bxcw wt ki'rea Pop cwb otinvy wiCQ igv UjwtkfcAaas fctwy finyyH rHryw wiwm wnKO WiWWW IU I 830 7AM I 7 30 I tAM I 8 30 I I 10 AM I 1030 rtoixl Momii AmWa (CC) (N) kreWMIUgiiwiWy Hit tire OMrereStwr Tlw Vww (CC)(Q jMOTinj Uom Mcma Aireria (CC) (X) LpwlfaiaiMmrtSioir pTMWre(CC) (M) Uisawrai Tires nre Aaaire (X) Uood Monin Amwla (CC) (V) XTlwtWiOiGireiwSres lrheWw(CC) (Q IrQwllia ttout jTre fitly Show (CC) (X) jLM W8i Qiy fna it Rqre (CC (W) KBSXm 8SXrei Thi tidy Show (CC) (X) Tie TOO Out (CQ ThiWHIUilWiir i(X) jTxay(CC) (X) PWPK Xm CT Joasy(CC) (M) tireriCM00 sm jPartProgrem OX6oodDey iRKhM lty (CC) 'ftrihapw 8eVgan tsremM tom tPssi Prop WMiRwlWy RKtxiy(CT HirnM i9i8(M) rw pMwiici) iuiita AMC SaurayXtpifiwT JMnfatiti (1877 Orem) (CC) jam Wtnm remwnfos(mCrewDnirelirCT Onregtrer Mt jTltrt WiWi (CC) krotsm Jortw (CC) XTMSwrewCT UiretJiaia(CC) 'CawCwf8ti(CT 'to tist Ws (g) KT bn Moren Mainton SnwtGuy SnwtCqr Oman Ore jontaiiOm lMprexWHaiaS CAAT00M 8sH0tAli (Johnny fttt WareH hm Bnw jscoobrQw iscooOM MM SawtrOw Maa Is totlWi QM7) Tot tarry CMtMAX Morttere (CC) )MOVtSwAMi OWihMi (CQ pMWt 0icww MAKtasifienMcfeipt IT (CT jWt ciareret (CC) ence at which Gates will discuss his trip last week to Afghanistan and new plans for the seven year old Afghan campaign which during the Bush administration took a back seat to the war in Iraq McChrystal has had a top administrative job at the Joint Chiefs of Staff for lees than a year He is a former commander of the Joint Special Operations Command Lt Gen David Rodrigues who serves as top mili tary aide to Gates will be deputy to McChrystal in Afghanistan the defense official said Obama had approved 17000 additional combat forces for Afghanistan this year plus 4000 trainers and other non combat troops By yearis end the United States will have more than 68000 troops in the sprawling country about double the total at the end of Bush's presidency but still far fewer than the approximately 130000 still in Iraq McKiernan and other US commanders have said resources they need in Afghanistan are tied up in Iraq White House: stimulus on pace for 35 million jobs WASHINGTON (AP) The Obama administra tion defended its claim Monday that the $787 bil liouweconomic stimulus plan will save or create 35 million jobs before 201 1 an assertion questioned by some economists and GOP lawmakers A report by the White House Council of Economic Advisers says the projec tions are based on conserv ative estimates and widely accepted assumptions The 35 million job estimate remains valid the report says now that stimulus workers absorb some of the increased economic activi ty by working longer hours and being more productive it says Models that predict the number of U3 jobs with and without the stimulus still conclude that the bill will create or save 35 mil lion by the end of 2010 the report says Many economists say it is difficult to calculate how many jobs are by a spending package designed to pump up the economy Republican officials have criticized President nilSOAY MAY trefcjre Cus ato ACTt fe i iM rea jKP auca Iruxuf QewtCTgyj Pwwt'CT lone CT js XCSCt WSS jagiUfltXmlCTi jtorepwCTBreWWCTCrew jiyire Pwv awre C9w CreS gw Sc a CT ScJsCT CT feu CT JX1 I IR A I ui I ll IL rw ygr ire CT WCT MarewSirreCT tobt OmtCT tocrMw ctms Mrre CT tolA) AKtore jMrtyjre aMsrere vreviV Wre i 3yiMwCT renK CM re i to TMC KVf TaOiree Arerai ff MM te3eaa fltwrtaes jlM Vvl (ST 'wemr iaCT KTSsCT Im CT fUU A0rtr Cmr Iran A Sttr Caase MM LreASar Carewww Ire Oar tnrere rert MSSCT I J7PM 2 30 1 IM 1 ICT 1 7J0 3M 33C i ev jQ jsy fOreiAaiMtCTAi toreressfC vOkwCT M8yja toY iuKrew iwm (t jjcyw uBy cry nYCM rear to urireiiiz iiCT too(LiCT(X) joPAtOA totl) 'to rswxetriiCT) toitguCTR 0iCT (KAtWC to Oeys a etr uee (CC) jX) Store Pre resat CT lUUWC (S) Cy aruret (X) ft yaw CT SUACWC wrySyayjCT aYktjCT Peat Cnoret aw JuflytTre Xfy Max Kt rets Xess fcasot uwaryy iHMevt jwvnu rei4 aayarei oeywi 3ttoiaetCT3 rey acreCTj not hiSi PM Sare tot Ctms rerre tAwI1) ct A wttrsuu torere AMC km QrwHsire kcvt ftBAoxtrearynwpsre 'CT i AAf StwrCT toCTfl reSyraCT AreAreaiCT tokato CT aitaitoCT ICT Wf Ifrxre ftsa tou paca Csre IT CT) SanAw Sreeiw Ore wire Cwrtre MUreCTP LaH'rf ri (xt to tx (Mi fqxfMA7 km OreaStrerei tertoxtrttreasWCTMAM TTreiAreyt1 OwyRretCTktM 'SA UPWMt'treCT (K) kwi TV ACC Hm CT iBK I CicCtCT ftsRbtCT ftretolC OBKT pta Pots tot Ctftr toACtft toACoftr toAOMf toACay aaA toACM) 3ACa tot tto iSp fXco*k nyyrew PtMhSa CTVM te rea 07CT iy waitoi6Hi5ibiy jttCTI jreiaiaiiM SrereCwtw rose AOttatfat (ttwye Orereuret teti Mg tre rey ywu agww tORww wtofll ryQgw IUI HE 1 UH WW1 Cw jBy5tgggg MSP PS luresa (W Aorew CT(SP) cry IsAfreanx jsflCT toiCTay 1BST AfeareltereaCT SPKa CT Hcret Ssy MsreisfctCT "tstotgp XH hresUtSaxa tore toKU tojare 8wr3tre1sSfoKW c5r CwCrrey 'ACroiK hMjUv Man Sraas aat UH AtoitoCT BasmwrewCTwwrW5T" toiwy'''UtiiT' 1w mhk sMitoiretY6yyM pwmi Kryicq toii'CT ktre CT toi ix wtatue SOR fcCT nmyiCT CotMCT Am CT PtOW AOAt Xwsfgy tMtMaretssi MtWytfaMre area saaareyc ua rettr uwi yci'aswjrei VI wreuto Urewrerret Qi'inCT "kVct' ctVct ATW MOW Cg' toarefaJwnCTVM Acre tatSire rewtow rr'TCT MM re item Spire money is starting to pay for various projects through out the nation The report says the analysis is based on what the CEA considers "the rel atively conservative rule ti thumb that a 1 percent increase in GDP corre sponds to an increase in employment of approxi mately 1 million the report says However it also notes that every increase in the GDP does not translate into new jobs Existing Barack projec tions calling them unduly optimistic efforts to quanti fy something that is extremely difficult to quan tify CEA report was seen in part as an effort to answer such criti cisms It says job creation that can be attributed to the stimulus package over 2009 and 2010 as the stimulus increases and then falls as the fiscal stimulus is Rapid spread of swine flu justified warnings WASHINGTON (AP) The number of cases of swine flu may have been several times higher than reported and the potential for rapid spread of the illness justified the World Health decision to raise the global pandemic alert a new study concludes While WHO is reporting about 4800 confirmed cases in 30 countries the new analysis estimates there have been between 6000 and 32000 cases in Mexico alone While there have been 1626 cases of the flu confirmed in Mexico the researchers note that there have been more than 11000 suspected infections early analysis would suggest this is going to be an outbreak comparable to that oi20th century pandemics regarding the extent of its spread very difficult to quantify the human health impact at this stage howev said lead author Neil erguson of Imperial College London analysis was released by the journal Science Normally Science releases its reports on Thursdays but the journal said it was issuing this study early because it contains important public health infor mation Meanwhile on Monday the World Health Organization's assistant director general moved to defend the global body against accusations that it stoked unnec essary fear over a flu outbreak that appears to be rela tively mild "I hope we have come acroea as trying to present a very balanced Kejji ukuda told reporters in Geneva think that one of the things we made clear is that the future is not possible to predict and there are many ways that events could turn out could stay relatively mild things could become more severe Both of these are possible he said think without that information both people and countries can not prepare as well as they TUESDAY MAY 12 8PM 8K 7PM i 730 8PM 8X PM 1OPM iOX PM lAAMTAM to1' tote to toswereRnCT toeCTan 'Mm a 'to'" ZZ tosCTfti jtoSL Jto towUH Ct yXTCAK ift) tow to to toAOPSwCT toe CT fti tow CT an 03 4Xwt (X) toas 4E8CT X) 3itowCT WMitCTW TwSosjcarT4t ADHOA tew (X) WPS CT ft! Mrwia CT1 'Wo i taa CT fti) ft' to frr uiirTur ej to AHC1MC ft) tome te Uwr (CC) towfti Tw Uayx Se? AAUWC CTlft WWtore ilhtfcWMilawCT teviCT Lwsyitja AJAC18C pslMOafti taMWww ArenoxiwCT HyCTft) ktmftn CT (B to A Oar Caww wpcx tow PM toiHaifWajiBtow ViaaCT WiaaMCTftl toswAgwaCT MMftteaaa towatCTY UMUtoafctes Ort Sbw jliti WRIT UmiltosrAaoriTtetei fteaitrs 'MO'uMKrsaaaTT Mt fCSttoCT TtefirtAACT towuCT) hxrsm fia'iiCT in iiOCAW Ory fahym ACt wmxte (i9Ct Swi CMMAX fMOVt SwteRtar fa Aiwa (2001 (tS?) kwit hw at Saw trfr kafeCek to CMTV tom Maww tew toam Atowr How M3TOTf RhftSnRi'Sitorp? fTt tsr hcACoft jiMowm toACoft lCVttoT6rtA'iEa)i)lM fttTMTtei teUoPHwxCTX W0wWlxp jteaeftwwYCT itonfttoYCT jriPH TM WteMSwtotor tesK tenSreStotoa Itatesil knt (to) (ScorsCyte (Uw) Wttov EOT? fyottelto to to toflao XWs jaak teas teKtoOMay fx MSoStev Sevttfftor AM rTUsShw boiShew wiWeg rtacw Wsos tawatewlftioo jfwwltewteKX Xw 700 CteBtO HM TXtAawarTPrajidft) ThiAawMriPrai) pMOVit 0 Wwiteteftsawaty CT)kw VrXarws M0WE YCT HUT j)AtoAtow(CC) torswtiteWMiwiCT) vwtmWBitoift) toAterhootroro IOmi'ct 'im m'iiw CT USE tow Sana 5wmA(x Itowto jxu tnttttewiai Aitws Cdm Aodue (ti "tewito Wtaw fewa8 nJLMI tofliKGAraw (Taft lPi Asm toofi Cteyts iteOwtlte BtwyScrw (XHaxto Tjw jowKyag UH ItoiCT MffO ftOT(CC) toCT) tovt tewwBKrvr iijUTTyStyy CT Wl A 5ro W1 A ina HwrCT hwrCT) MCI iCrftCT Htft(CC) Spyffijt jSponpeSoe kowlmpfOir ret'TXiM iSagylac (Dutofr JlsSMft fsMy Haw ynft Maiik ICH btx Tat Eweyw (CC) jSW EnttW CT px Eisrate (CC) KWjto) miM(te(yaiw'rilX) TO teiW(CC) jSMHtetCC) keWySuy fynfrfcy fCTl)8tfy jlte OBa (CC) loyr (X) Oda (CO CT SoreCny jtowCry TCM toxwfaQ(1H2Diwi WjCCftiOVt AmXmjS (i10oqmwy) jxKWC TMMay8wUteAWs ITjCClZZZ tit SihZZZ ZZEMlZZZZZZZMHlZZZZZZZZZZZ UM gClSjCC) ZZ fcCT fa)8tCT towCT bwAOtfrSW) japiwStCT jrwaWMiB Amnaa MS (CC) M(CC) ft) jStrM Parol btolPra MCTftl iwCT jCwryUpc Southwest Daily News Beauregard Daily News Leesville Daily Leader A Grand News Team Serving Southwest Louisiana.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.